Insurance Brokers
The insurance broker product line offers users the ability to identify welfare benefit brokers in the U.S. Users will be able to see which brokers are writing the business, the carriers they use and total commissions paid on each case.
Employer-sponsored group welfare benefit brokers that are listed as the writing agent.
Who should use this product line?
Employer group benefit brokers and consultants.
Group benefit insurance carriers.
Finance and insurance wholesalers looking to identify top insurance brokers.
Contact Information
Broker address.
Key Information
Premiums paid, commissions, broker fees, total lives covered, benefit type, insurance carrier, total clients, insurance broker, contract number, policy expiration.
Users will also also have the ability to distinguish between lead and support brokers. Lead brokers receive the majority of the total case commissions. This is information is useful when there are multiple brokers working on one case.
Market Share Analysis
View total market share for insurance brokers including total premium written, number of cases, and top insurance carriers they work with.